One Acts

All the World's a Stage

Devil: Luke Woockman
Devil’s Sins: Kennedy Gillilan, Reagan Gillilan
Greed: Colton Baue
Gluttony: Gaven Nipp
Greed & Gluttony Sins: Lily Pfeil, Kenley Anderson & Molly Aitken
Lust & Desire: Jaxson Wingert & Taylor Dawson
Lust Sins: Avery Stevens, Jayden Gillilan, & Mackenzie Suhr
Wrath: Braydon Hoesing
Wrath Sins: Brady Kristensen, Emmie Brazel, Elle Brazel, Lincoln Thorell
Envy: Cody Bloomquist
Envy Sins: Brent Kristensen, Kelly Vanness, Hallie Kumm & Mya VanWinkle
Sloth: Rogan Hoesing
Sloth Sins: Caitlin Eckert, Ainsley Dawson, Anya Peters, & Remington Schwindt
Kara: Jessica Anderson
David: Alijah Nelson
Morgan: Tierney Alexander
Elizabeth: Olivia Barta
Jesse: Carlie Kleinschmit
Thomas: Vinny Vanness
Souls: Noel Kumm, Jaidynn Timmerman, Ryan Kleinschmit & Cassie Peters
Crew: Tate Stolpe, Brady Bloomquist, Tesla Ickler, Steven Bender, Jake Munter, Bailey West, Kendall Story, Abe Wynia, Marie Peters, Lexi Wright, Dawson Kraft, Colton Hoesing, & Rory Johnson
Play Production Information
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20 District Championships
1 NSAA State Runner-up
15 NSAA State Championships
11 NSAA State Overall Best Actors/Actresses

Play Production Coaches